What is a CRM?

Remember rotary card indexes? (If not, make the most of your youth.) Imagine if each major department in your company used rotary card indexes for keeping contact information for potential ...

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Scale Your Business with HubSpot’s Operations Hub

HubSpot’s Operations Hub minimizes the growing pains often felt by scaling companies. When company data is centralized and organized in one common place and can be pulled from one common source, it becomes a lot easier to create growth strategies, find new growth opportunities, and make decisions for the benefit of your company and your clients.

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PiMA award insurance marketing

Affinity Marketing for Insurance Products

With our Best of PiMA award arriving this past week, (for our work on behalf of the Texas Medical Association Insurance Trust with a partner agency) it’s an appropriate time to reflect on and share the insights we’ve learned over the past year. As we continue to work extensively with association insurance marketing, we’ve developed and refined our Inbound Marketing strategy so we can leverage the unique challenges and opportunities that affinity marketing entails. Here are the top four lessons we’ve learned on our way to winning ‘Best of PIMA’ from the Professional Insurance Marketing Association this year.

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