Kristy: Hey! Here we are with our first episode. I hope people like this.
Anna-Lynn: I’m scared too, I’m a little insecure.
Kristy: I’m gonna pitch to the people to give it a chance.
Anna-Lynn: We’re underdogging it.
Kristy: Listen, I mean listen. You- you’ll like it.
Anna-Lynn: Yes.
Kristy: And if that’s not convincing- um okay picture it, you commute to work, and you’re just commuting with us.
Anna-Lynn: Yeah.
Kristy: Doesn’t that sound so dreamy? Yes.
Anna-Lynn: I don’t know if dreamy is the word.
Kristy: Um, romantic came to mind. Oh my word, okay, here’s an idea. The people can write in the DMs or get our comments.
Anna-Lynn: Get in our DMs.
Kristy: Get in our DMs, the Seapoint DMs.
Anna-Lynn: Seapoint’s DMs.
Kristy: Please don’t find us. And, uh, tell us what they want us to talk about, because, uh-
Anna-Lynn: Well, here’s the thing though, too, like, people think we don’t work, but we do.
Kristy: Yeah, that could be a whole conversation in itself.
Anna-Lynn: I do too because I had someone just ask me yesterday- maybe we should
talk about this for a sec, for a hot sec, because I had someone say to me
yesterday. “I don’t know what you guys do, do you work?” And I’m like-
Kristy: I struggle with that.
Anna-Lynn: No, I just, you know, it’s like we get paid to just be silly.
Kristy: Okay, so, yeah, let’s talk about that for a second. As our opening podcast episode.
Anna-Lynn: Do we work?
Kristy: Do we work? and to be fair…
Anna-Lynn: This might not be the best…
Kristy: To be fair we are not putting it out there like we do. However, maybe we can go maybe we can do a little convincing the people why we do and what we do cause… Maybe that’s not here’s the thing we don’t spend our time on social media showing everybody the boring stuff that we do that wouldn’t be entertaining.
Anna-Lynn: You guys want to hang out with me when I’m editing for three hours?
Kristy: Right right yeah the boring stuff that we do it wouldn’t make sense that we post that.
Anna-Lynn: No
Kristy: As social media is meant to be meant to be entertaining so we post the little bits of entertaining stuff that we do so…
Anna-Lynn: Yeah and we have a very unique culture culture here. It’s not it’s not normal nobody in this office is normal.
Kristy: Right.
Anna-Lynn: It would be supremely boring and nobody… it’s- it’s like we have the corporate level skills but the mentality is not corporate in the sense that people around here aren’t like chained to their desks they’re not- you know it’s…
Kristy: And that creates such a good environment for working like of anywhere I’ve ever worked like it makes us work harder it makes us work longer it makes us happier it makes us enjoy it makes me enjoy what I do. It makes me excited to come to work like- On Sundays I don’t have the Sunday scaries. I really enjoy coming in – all weekend we couldn’t stop texting each other about how excited we were to come to work on Monday and you know some people just don’t get that but we are working so give everyone a quick synopsis of what you do here.
Anna-Lynn: So I’m the creative director for Seapoint digital I’ve never been a big person for titles though because it’s just it’s it’s hard it’s hard to define I think because I do so many different things but um I do a lot of editing I do a lot of content creation I do a lot of training yeah I’ve trained several writers and um client meetings and but basically looking at all of the creative that comes through our agency and editing it. Um making recommendations and I work with you sometimes which is a lot of fun, on video projects and just brainstorming ideas and it’s just super creative everything I do is creative though some of it is kind of you know just like dry boring like grammar and you know the editing part of it can get a little bit like.
Kristy: It’s a lot of writing and a lot of editing.
Anna-Lynn: Uh but it’s it’s a lot of mental stuff but I love that it is 95% of my days are just creative and I think most of the agency is creative there’s such a huge creative mindset here it’s like even the strategy is exciting because it’s creative you know so it’s- it’s not I I think you can approach marketing from a very corporate level and just from a very corporate mentality like it’s all about the structure and the doing things by the book and by the rules and then you have our culture which is like it looks chaotic it might look messy it might look.
Kristy: Silly?
Anna-Lynn: Silly. Um, but it is so it- it’s coming from an agency full of creatives who have the technical ability who have those technical skills who are committed to the details and who can do the precise work but it’s made in such a creative spirit that it’s just it can’t help but be fun.
Kristy: Yeah.
Anna-Lynn: And I think that’s what’s really cool about the purposeful kind of culture we have here it’s like yeah we’re going to do this we’re going to write about insurance but we’re going to have fun doing it.
Kristy: Yeah yeah so and we’re group of people that just really enjoy each other.
Anna-Lynn: Yeah.
Kristy: You know we get we we you know treat each other very well we um enjoy each other’s company and I feel like that adds to the fun you know we can tease each other you know we can…
Anna-Lynn: Mostly Tim.
Kristy: Mostly Tim. You know Bill really adds to that you know he lets us just like be silly together and and and he treats us all so well and that adds to that environment of fun and playfulness and yeah.
Anna-Lynn: Yeah no it’s it’s great and I think it’s just so unusual because we genuinely do all like each other and a lot of times we’re texting outside business hours and…
Kristy: Always.
Anna-Lynn: Running ideas past each other outside business hours it’s like there’s no mandatory overtime because we- we’re automatically like just throwing things by each other outside normal business hours anyway because we’re just like oh hey what about this or I thought of this and…
Kristy: We have so many work group chats going at all times both with work or just like I mean this past weekend was like checking on each other’s uh family lives like intense stuff going on and then also just work stuff going on like we’re just always in communication like by choice like you know many times I check out for the weekend or my vacations cause I just can’t but we just we always all in communication like yeah.
Anna-Lynn: Yeah and it was funny because when I first started here I didn’t get it at first I remember when I first started and got introduced to the chats and everything and I was like my phone kept going off like every hour and I’m like but nobody’s at the office right now what is going on and then as I worked here more like within the first year I was like oh this is normal this is like you don’t think anything of it it’s not invasive but it’s just like you don’t stop thinking about and I think part of it is the work life balance. Which is such like a cliche but it is such a big deal to everybody here so we care about the life that our workmates have…
Kristy: Yeah yeah.
Anna-Lynn: So we’re kind of like it it it goes beyond we just work together it’s like I care about the life you have outside of work I want to make sure you’re doing okay.
Kristy: Yeah, that’s a good point.
Anna-Lynn: Without it being like creepy like you know.
Kristy: That’s a point no cause we we all volunteer information about our personal lives to each other but I think because we do that like I understand like because this person has a child or this person’s husband’s in the hospital or this person’s dad just died or whatever we are able to be more like understanding and more like oh well you know that’s why they’re not working this week or whatever and then I get that in return when that’s happening for me.
Anna-Lynn: Right um there’s like a real um thoughtfulness in how we understand that what’s going on in our workmates life is going to affect their quality of work from week to week what they’re able to do and then there’s a constant like balancing work that’s done like oh you’re dealing with that this week okay how can I take what can I do to ease this so you can take of that and that you don’t find that right anywhere there’s that’s not a corporate mindset.
Kristy: Right yep and that’s just our and that’s just our culture here it works really well for us and what people aren’t seeing on social media is the work boring work that’s happening day to day so yeah.
Anna-Lynn: Yeah we’re hitting deadlines we’re winning national awards like clearly we’re doing something right and we have clients who are happy. It’s it’s working it works for us does it work for everybody no but it also has a lot to do with the intentionality of it yeah and the mindset and it’s just a really great one here.
Kristy: Yeah so that’s a little bit about the company that’s so that’s what you do that is writing primarily copyrighting creative.
Anna-Lynn: Collaborating.
Kristy: Yeah what I do mainly during the day. I have just also just kind of a miss- mismatched.
Anna-Lynn: You do so much you do like five different jobs here too.
Kristy: Yeah all things multimedia mainly um I head up the matterport production and drone and so I spend part of my time doing all the marketing for that whether I’m on a job Matterporting or droning or I’m here creating newsletters or blogs or any kind of marketing for that um or any thing uh video production like this. Um for us or for clients like I’ll be making videos for our clients or yeah working with the creative team to create any kind of video type production for them… or I’m often doing social media type things creating content. Um mostly for us occasionally for outside other clients and then when I’m not doing that I’m just a little bit the mother of this office and cleaning like a crazy lady and buying supplies and keeping everyone in line so.
Anna-Lynn: Giving Tim something to do.
Kristy: Giving Tim just- just giving Bill whatever. I mean last year rehauled the the the remodel of this office like I yeah painting and all that just whatever whatever um so it can be anything it’s like but that that boring stuff isn’t what people see always.
Anna-Lynn: And it’s like why would you share that why you know yeah and and but sometimes we do like we did our inside SeaPoint series which is still ongoing we just haven’t done one recently but we started that to kind of counteract all the. Hey do you guys at work at all right um yeah we do but it’s just like…
Kristy: It’s to help people understand this is the day to day that’s going on it’s just not glamorous.
Anna-Lynn: And I don’t think people can quantify creativity like I think there’s a real struggle for people to understand how that fits into what we do.
Kristy: Are the importance of it.
Anna-Lynn: Exactly like they don’t get that this is such a mental kind of job like you are just you’re dealing with clients, you’re dealing with analytics, you’re dealing with um SEO, you’re dealing with all these like really intense uh very dry boring kind of calculations and strategies and stuff like that and so it’s very mentally taxing. It takes a lot out of you and I think when you can be creative and do something fun, it fills up that tank again in a sense and so many times- I lost count of how many times we’ll be like just filming something silly for social media and we’ll be like oh hey I just figured out what to do for this client.
Kristy: Yeah isn’t that crazy?
Anna-Lynn: It’s it’s so crazy but I think if you’re not in a creative job or you’re just in you’re you’re just working a desk job that’s that doesn’t have that spark yeah it’s hard to understand how that feeds into when you’re doing that technical work like it’s just as important. It’s just as vital I really feel like you can’t you can have one without the other but I think you can feel the lack of you can put more of yourself into your work I think if you have that.
Kristy: Yeah it helps us I mean week to week any time we have something to look forward to creatively.
Anna-Lynn: And it draws the kind of clients to us that we love to work with we love all of our clients they’re across the board they’re very different um but they all have kind of the same spirit which you know they they have that kind of creative spark too and they we have to have both. That technical side and the you know really getting down to it sometimes it’s like dead quiet down here you’re just in the zone focused on a project and a task and like we get real serious real quick.
Kristy: Yes.
Anna-Lynn: Like and we just don’t show that side on social media.
Kristy: We don’t show that side.
Anna-Lynn: So people think it’s just not there and like we can’t do this job if it wasn’t there we wouldn’t be here after 12 years if we were just goofing off.
Kristy: And the whole point of social media is to entertain and that is part of what an agency does um is to be silly is to create dumb little TikTok’s is to create goofy little memes like that is the that is one aspect of what a digital marketing agency does so that is work like it doesn’t seem like it but that is something we should be doing to be on the digital marketing scene to show that we can keep up with the social media scene that we know how to use it that we can use it for our clients that you know what I mean so it’s it is part of it. You know even though it it might seem goofy it might seem silly it might seem dumb.
Anna-Lynn: I think people might resent that we enjoy what we do.
Kristy: Sometimes.
Anna-Lynn: I do feel like there’s some Karen’s out there that are like…
Kristy: But you know what I’m not going to name names I’m not going to name names but a couple people who have come to work here who now work here have told me that they were those people and that they thought…
Anna-Lynn: I wanna know now. You have to tell me.
Kristy: Off recording
Anna-Lynn: Off camera.
Kristy: Maybe they will step forward step forward maybe we can drop names but they have said like it seemed kind of like an annoying like oh my gosh those people at Seapoint and then and then when they were offered positions it’s I’m like you were just jealous huh you just wanted to be here huh.
Anna-Lynn: Tired of hating your job? Come work for Seapoint.
Kristy: We should have we should have a bit of a… an ad
Anna-Lynn: We should do some ads like that
Kristy: Like yeah. But no not to be too whatever we’re the best or whatever.
Anna-Lynn: I would be very curious to know and I feel like we should put it out there and see if we get any kind of response because I would like to know if any other agencies who are very active on social media and do like silly little posts like we know do they get the same question? They must, don’t you think?
Kristy: Well you know what comes to my mind is like duolingo okay. I know they’re goofy stupid crazy bizarre social media I see it but I know they’re working look at their company and so no one is asking them do you guys actually work over there because obviously they do.
Anna-Lynn: Right um but like we got questions immediately after winning one of the biggest Awards.
Kristy: Biggest National Awards and we win it every year.
Anna-Lynn: And it was like um do we work?
Kristy: Minorly insulting.
Anna-Lynn: People are just giving us trophies for showing up.
Kristy: We just get these massive national awards for nothing.
Anna-Lynn: Right yeah we didn’t do anything for that.
Kristy: So it is… so anyway the point of this podcast isn’t that that was just side point but our point moving into this new series is number one like I want to try new things this year um I I’m always looking to grow I want to move with the scene um we’ve been talking about podcasting for a long time um in my personal life I’ve been exploring with podcasting with a friend and I have been podcasting with him it’s been going really well and so um yeah I’ve been enjoying it and I felt like it was time for us you know get more content.
Anna-Lynn: We have stuff to say.
Kristy: We have things to say we’re hilarious like people should listen.
Anna-Lynn: People should just come hang out with us.
Kristy: But more than that I want to get people from other companies other agencies, business people um our friends – whoever, that want to have conversations and interviews with us because I feel like there’s so many valuable things that we can learn from other people, talk about with other people and um it doesn’t need to be hour long conversations but I like the interviews that we’ve done even in the past couple months like I so en enjoyed like talking with Tina and um so yeah I think it’s just I think it’s just such a good idea to.
Anna-Lynn: And I think it’s really important too to tell more of the stories about how people are reaching um their goals and how they are advancing in their industry in this industry or in their role within marketing outside of the norm like this whole generation coming up they are just transforming how business is done what how productivity is measured like do we have to be working Monday through Friday 9: to 5. Do you have to you know are you only successful if you’re in college for four years and then come into the industry like no no so many people you know are going through the college process- this isn’t like an anti- college rant it’s not it but there are just so many stories of people who are this isn’t what they went to school for but they are so successful now and so I feel like those stories are so important and they’re so relevant and I think that would encourage a lot of people to hear those.
Kristy: Yeah yeah and I we got a comment on a Tik Tok recently of a young person who was really motivated and inspired by one of our women in marketing videos awesome and that that alone like was the what I needed to be like that’s it we’re doing this because if we can Inspire anyone to be like you know especially young people who want to move in a direction but they feel nervous they feel like they’re not qualified or…
Anna-Lynn: Imposter syndrome.
Kristy: Whatever. I’m like… and and we can get someone on our podcast to be like here’s how I did it you can do it too I’m like that that would be awesome so anything anyone can learn from someone else I love- I love that and motivating someone else inspiring someone else I’m all about that so that’s our goal that’s why we’re doing this.
Anna-Lynn: Come with us.
Kristy: That’s why you should listen. if you have things we we should discuss tell us.
Anna-Lynn: Hit us up.
Kristy: And uh if you want to just make fun of us that’s easy.
Anna-Lynn: We’re here for all of it.
Kristy: We’re here for all of it so um come along on the journey with us um it’s going to be a wild ride so all right until next time.
Anna-Lynn: Bye.
Kristy: Until next time.