As a business owner or manager, you keep a close eye on your marketing budget and are very aware of when things aren’t going the way they should. If, some time ago, you invested in HubSpot marketing software, and you aren’t feeling the love, is it time to cut the cord?
You’re likely feeling frustrated and are ready to quit using HubSpot – but first, we’d like to say that HubSpot may not be the problem. Like any good tool, to be effective, it must be used for its intended purpose, and with skill. So before you decide to ditch the marketing software, take a moment and analyze the situation.
If You are Using HubSpot Independently…
Remember that, although HubSpot marketing software is intended to be user-friendly, it can be pretty overwhelming. There is a lot to learn – that’s why the company has such an extensive training department, with certifications for those who really know their stuff. It may be possible that your company is under-utilizing the tools you have at your disposal.
If you have the time, take advantage of the marketing education at HubSpot Academy. Does that seem overwhelming for you or your team? Then it might be time to look into working with a certified Hubspot Partner Agency.
If You’re Already Working With a HubSpot Agency…
Maybe you feel dissatisfied because you aren’t seeing the results you expected. Still, it’s important to make sure that your expectations aren’t generalized or ambiguous. The fact is, even with a successful and effective marketing campaign, you may not have the immediate payoff of additional revenue the following month.
That’s why Key Performance Indicators are so important. Have you put these in place, and are you analyzing them regularly to track your marketing team’s success? If not, think about establishing long-term and short-term marketing goals – and make sure they’re specific, reasonable, and have a clear time frame. Once you do this, you’ll be able to see objectively whether your marketing strategy is working, or if you need to make changes.
Other questions that you should consider carefully:
Is the inbound marketing campaign translating into qualified leads and/or sales?
This is one of the biggest long-term goals that your agency should be reaching toward. A qualified agency will be able to track your results and show that their hard work is paying off.
Is the agency I’m working with developing content for my company that leads to conversions, or are they simply working on building a community?
Community is important – but if you’re paying for a tool, you should be getting what you paid for. HubSpot is designed to convert visitors into leads, and help your team turn leads into sales. If your agency is simply building a community for you, you may need to put more thought into your relationship.
Does the agency I’m working with really understand my industry?
Because your agency will be creating content for you, it is truly to your advantage to work with a team that understands your industry. Whether you manufacture artisanal showerheads, provide psychological counseling for injured sports players, or are a broker of insurance services for your community, your marketing agency will be more successful if, when they speak for you, they can do so with a knowledgeable and authentic voice.
Is my agency using complementary tactics in my marketing campaign to maximize HubSpot’s usefulness?
These include AdWords, social ads, and a thorough understanding of search engine optimization strategies. If your agency isn’t, a big piece of your marketing strategy is missing. Find out why.
So, Should I Quit Using HubSpot? That depends…
You should also have a good rapport and honest communication with your agency and be able to trust the team you’re working with. After considering the above factors, you may see where your marketing strategy needs to improve. You may realize that the marketing agency you’re working with is great – just a bit misunderstood. Or you may come to see that big changes need to be made.
In the end, HubSpot may not be the right tool for your business. And a good partner agency will be honest with you about that from the start. If you aren’t leveraging success with HubSpot, and you don’t know why, maybe it’s time to get a second opinion.
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