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Does It Matter if I Have a Responsive Website?

I’m sure many of our readers can remember a time when phones were not smart, tablets were made of stone, and computers were our only access to the worldwide web. But that is no longer the case. We live in a world where technology is always changing. Screens range from the size of your pocket to the size of your television – and everything in between.  How can you make sure that the message you want to convey is looks good –  regardless of what screen your viewer has?

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Retargeting Isn’t Just for Display Anymore

In the 2002 movie, Minority Report, Tom Cruise plays an officer who is accused of a murder he has yet to commit. Although the science behind this futuristic policing is sketchy at best, other novel concepts in the film are not far off.

For instance, upon walking into The Gap, Mr. Anderson (played by Cruise) is greeted with a holographic image asking him how those assorted tank tops worked out for him. While we don’t currently experience personal advertising based on identification by retina scan, we are offered targeted ads based on our past behavior.

This is called retargeting, and the way it’s been used has evolved in recent years.

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How Local Guides are Good for Local SEO

Living in a city with a high volume of tourist traffic, I’ve come to learn a lot about the area just by eavesdropping here and there. For instance, I recently passed by a lanyard-wearing, fanny pack toting tour group the other day and I overheard the tour guide say that nearly 2,000,000 tourists visit the city every year. I also know that the rooftop bar with the best view doesn’t serve the best drinks, and that if you’re going to buy a sweetgrass basket, it’s best to skip up the road and dicker with a local vendor, rather than pay full price in the market.

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Do LinkedIn Posts Affect Your Site’s SEO?

LinkedIn started as a small professional networking startup, but has morphed into one of the fastest growing social networks in the industry. The company’s 2015 first quarter numbers reported a whopping 364 million members. These numbers are staggering and as a company you may be wondering what you can do to leverage the platform for your brand.

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