What Are Call Out Extensions in Adwords?

With the proliferation of various extensions in Adwords we are going to take a deeper look at one of Adwords newest features- the Callout Extension.


Very simply Callout Extensions allow the advertiser additional space from the 25 character constraint of the traditional ad format. Callout Extensions allow you to highlight specific features of your brand or product help differentiating yourself from your competitors.


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Why Should I use Callout Extensions?


  •  Callout Extensions Influence Ad Rank Having all available extensions built into your ad group will positively effect your ad rank. Not only do ads utilizing proper extensions have higher click through rates, if two competing ads  have the same bid and quality score the ad with extensions will be given higher positioning.
  • Increase Your Ad’s Real Estate In the cluttered Google Search results, Callout Extensions are a perfect way to increase the visual impact of your ad delivery.
  • Highlight Your Service’s Features  Differentiating yourself from your competitors may be difficult to accomplish in 25 characters, but using callouts can help you stand out. Now potential customers don’t have to click through to your site to learn you have free shipping, 24 hour support or whatever sets you apart.
  • They Work Well for Shallow Content Sites Not every advertiser is a good fit for site link extensions. Simple informational sites may not have internal pages that the advertiser wants to direct attention to but would like to still call attention to special messages.

How To Set Up Callout Extensions

Callout extensions are easy to set up and monitor. An advantage of these extensions is they can be set up at the Account, Campaign, or Ad group level. This allows for great customization. As Ad groups become more specific the Callouts can be tailored for the specific intent. Broad search groups can be tailored with generic callouts while very specific ad groups can be supported by product specific selections.


After creating a new callout it will give you the option to set up scheduling for the extension.

This customization allows additional flexibility and creative ad copy.  A restaurant that would like to drive traffic through the doors could show lunch specific callouts in the mornings while focusing on dinner service within the same ad group.At Seapoint Digital, we're proud to