Why Writing A Meta Description is Important for Your Blogs

It seems like there’s an ever-growing list of ‘must haves’ when blogging. Each of these components will help draw people to your website so they will pay attention to your content. Since there are so many moving parts, is a meta description really that important for your blog post?

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Is Instagram More Influential Than Twitter?

Whatever your personal preference, when it comes to marketing for your business – personal preference may matter less if the numbers look better on another platform. So when it comes to Instagram and Twitter, which one is more influential and worthy of your time? Let’s dig into the stats.

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Using PPP to Boost Your Business in 2021

On December 27, 2020, a bill was passed that changed some of the stipulations of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans.  Whether you have only recently applied for PPP or you have been enrolled since earlier in 2020, these changes can open the way for some welcomed opportunities for your business.

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Which Headline is Better: Emotional vs SEO

Headline writing has been around since the dawn of the printed word. Grabbing the attention of the reader to make them do just that – read. In the age of content-generating sites like BuzzFeed, Upworthy, and a myriad of others, headlines have even less time to grab the reader’s ‘click.’ So is the trick behind an excellent attention grabber an emotional headline? Or is an optimized headline the way to go?

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How to Optimize for Local Mobile Search

In a world where more and more people are attached to their smartphones or tablets, businesses must work extra hard to be up to date with their marketing tactics and stay on top. We know this can be hard, especially when search engines change their rules as quickly as new gadgets can be sold in stores. Let’s talk about 3 important ways you can optimize your website for Local Mobile search.

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Should My Web Designer Do My SEO?

our web designer knows how to design your website – and to be fair, he or she may know a bit about SEO.  But a digital marketing agency understands SEO strategy thoroughly. Learn more about why.

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How to Create Epic Social Media Images

Even if all you have is a phone camera and a little patience, your pics can look sharp. Today we’re going to share some helpful tips from a graphic designer on how to take awesome pics for your social media.

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