How to Optimize for Local Mobile Search

In a world where more and more people are attached to their smartphones or tablets, businesses must work extra hard to be up to date with their marketing tactics and stay on top. We know this can be hard, especially when search engines change their rules as quickly as new gadgets can be sold in stores. Let’s talk about 3 important ways you can optimize your website for Local Mobile search.

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Should My Web Designer Do My SEO?

our web designer knows how to design your website – and to be fair, he or she may know a bit about SEO.  But a digital marketing agency understands SEO strategy thoroughly. Learn more about why.

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How to Create Epic Social Media Images

Even if all you have is a phone camera and a little patience, your pics can look sharp. Today we’re going to share some helpful tips from a graphic designer on how to take awesome pics for your social media.

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What Is Search Engine Optimization?

For years we’ve heard the term ‘Search Engine Optimization’ thrown around. If you’re a business owner you’ve probably been cold-called or emailed by someone wanting to help with your SEO. …

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Four Common Issues with Local Search

If you are a local business, and you want to get noticed online (who doesn’t?), local search results are vitally important. Sometimes getting your business listed in local search does not always go smoothly. We’re going to discuss four common issues that businesses face when trying to get listed online, and what you can do about them.

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Contractors and Designers: Three Tips for Matterport Tours

It has evolved into a well-rounded tool that can help people in many types of business. This includes contractors and designers. Today we’re going to dive into 4 different ways Matterport can help you professionals in the design or construction industry.

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hashtag tracker

How to Identify and Engage with Industry Experts

Networking has always been an important part of building your business and increasing your credibility within your industry. With the onslaught of social media platforms, like YouTube and LinkedIn, industry …

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social media tips

Who Should Manage My Social Media?

Social Media is not going away. No matter your business, having a presence on social media is necessary to be relevant in today’s world. But who should take on that responsibility? Should you do it yourself? Can team members take care of it as a group effort? Or is it a good idea to hire a social media manager? There are different answers for different businesses, but this article may help you decide what is right for yours.

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google ads for business

The Key to Online Marketing – Google Ads

While growing a business, our primary goal is to reach potential customers. Once our company is branded, we may use social media, email marketing, events, and even a few newspaper ads to attract new customers. While these are necessary steps in letting the community know about your business’s presence, their effectiveness can be hit-or-miss. Why?

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HubSpot Launches CMS Hub

This spring HubSpot released a new product called CMS hub. This all-in-one product gives you all the benefits of a traditional CMS but with added security, better performance, and a …

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