What is a CRM?

Remember rotary card indexes? (If not, make the most of your youth.) Imagine if each major department in your company used rotary card indexes for keeping contact information for potential ...

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Scale Your Business with HubSpot’s Operations Hub

HubSpot’s Operations Hub minimizes the growing pains often felt by scaling companies. When company data is centralized and organized in one common place and can be pulled from one common source, it becomes a lot easier to create growth strategies, find new growth opportunities, and make decisions for the benefit of your company and your clients.

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construction builder online marketing

Best Digital Marketing Tactics for Contractors

If you’re in the construction business, you likely know that one of your biggest barriers to signing new prospects is credibility. Sadly, too many sketchy contractors have depleted the faith of many homeowners and business owners.

As a result, you may face prejudice as a result of tardy, over-budget contractors that have spawned running jokes about the credibility of almost anyone in construction. And although word-of-mouth marketing remains a mainstay of any contractor’s livelihood, it is absolutely possible to convert cold contacts into satisfied customers that generate revenue for your company.

How can you do this successfully? Through careful and deliberate use of digital marketing tactics.

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construction contractor social media

Social Media Strategies for Contractors

As a contractor, you know how important it is to choose the right tool for the job. Choosing the right social media tools and using them properly is similarly important. Each social media channel serves a different purpose and some may not fit your marketing needs. Because there are so many options, it can be difficult to decide which train to jump on — or if you need to jump on all of them.  Have you wondered which social media channels are the right fit for you as a contractor? Once you know where you should be, what should you do once you’re there? We’re here to help you find the answers.

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google my business new year

Google My Business Changes for 2018

The year saw some big changes to Google My Business features. Some of these were exciting, some were challenging. How will these changes shape your business’ prospects in the coming …

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