How to Create Epic Social Media Images

Even if all you have is a phone camera and a little patience, your pics can look sharp. Today we’re going to share some helpful tips from a graphic designer on how to take awesome pics for your social media.

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hashtag tracker

How to Identify and Engage with Industry Experts

Networking has always been an important part of building your business and increasing your credibility within your industry. With the onslaught of social media platforms, like YouTube and LinkedIn, industry …

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social media tips

Who Should Manage My Social Media?

Social Media is not going away. No matter your business, having a presence on social media is necessary to be relevant in today’s world. But who should take on that responsibility? Should you do it yourself? Can team members take care of it as a group effort? Or is it a good idea to hire a social media manager? There are different answers for different businesses, but this article may help you decide what is right for yours.

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4 Instagram Tips for Success!

How long have you been using Instagram to share your photos? We posted our first photo when the app came out in 2012. I scrolled all the way back to find this dark photo of a mug and our Pinterest page. It got a whopping five likes. It was a pretty good number at the time.

Instagram’s capabilities were pretty limited in those days. Even the use of hashtags was not available initially. I remember getting eight likes on one of my personal photos and feeling like I must be a professional at social media. (I wasn’t.)

Instagram has changed in many ways in the past eight years and the way you need to engage with other users has changed too. If you’re not familiar with and keeping up with these changes, you may remain at that five-like status forever. Whether you are looking to get more likes, more followers, or more engagement – we’re here to help! Here are four tips for success with Instagram.


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Why Contractors Should Be On Social Media

Perhaps your home improvement business has been around for many years, but you’re not sure whether the leap into social media would be beneficial. Or maybe you’re a relatively new …

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