construction contractor social media

Social Media Strategies for Contractors

As a contractor, you know how important it is to choose the right tool for the job. Choosing the right social media tools and using them properly is similarly important. Each social media channel serves a different purpose and some may not fit your marketing needs. Because there are so many options, it can be difficult to decide which train to jump on — or if you need to jump on all of them.  Have you wondered which social media channels are the right fit for you as a contractor? Once you know where you should be, what should you do once you’re there? We’re here to help you find the answers.

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google my business new year

Google My Business Changes for 2018

The year saw some big changes to Google My Business features. Some of these were exciting, some were challenging. How will these changes shape your business’ prospects in the coming …

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3 Social Media Marketing Tips for Insurance Agencies

Whether your insurance business is new or old, it’s not too late to jump on the social media marketing train. In fact, this strategy for marketing can prove to be a solid investment of both your time and resources. If you have already joined a social media platform, maybe you’re wondering if it’s the right choice for your agency, if there are others that you should be joining and whether you’re promoting yourself in the right way. We’re here to help you! Here are 3 quick social media tips for insurance agencies.

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PiMA award insurance marketing

Affinity Marketing for Insurance Products

With our Best of PiMA award arriving this past week, (for our work on behalf of the Texas Medical Association Insurance Trust with a partner agency) it’s an appropriate time to reflect on and share the insights we’ve learned over the past year. As we continue to work extensively with association insurance marketing, we’ve developed and refined our Inbound Marketing strategy so we can leverage the unique challenges and opportunities that affinity marketing entails. Here are the top four lessons we’ve learned on our way to winning ‘Best of PIMA’ from the Professional Insurance Marketing Association this year.

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issues with hubspot

Should I Quit Using HubSpot?  

As a business owner or manager, you keep a close eye on your marketing budget and are very aware of when things aren’t going the way they should. If, some time ago, you invested in HubSpot marketing software, and you aren’t feeling the love, is it time to cut the cord?

You’re likely feeling frustrated and are ready to quit using HubSpot – but first, we’d like to say that HubSpot may not be the problem. Like any good tool, to be effective, it must be used for its intended purpose, and with skill. So before you decide to ditch the marketing software, take a moment and analyze the situation.

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website design maine

Does It Matter if I Have a Responsive Website?

I’m sure many of our readers can remember a time when phones were not smart, tablets were made of stone, and computers were our only access to the worldwide web. But that is no longer the case. We live in a world where technology is always changing. Screens range from the size of your pocket to the size of your television – and everything in between.  How can you make sure that the message you want to convey is looks good –  regardless of what screen your viewer has?

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